Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sentimental Holiday Stuff & Things

I am not sentimental, romantic or overly emotional. It's just not in my makeup. So here I am, listening to Celine Dion (No joke) to help me get in the mood to write about some sentimental emotional stuff.

So it was Thanksgiving last week, if you hadn't noticed. I'm sure everyones pants did. Anyways, I'm always a thankful person. Whenever I catch myself being sad about not having the latest gadget, or not being able to buy a new handbag when I want I remind myself of those who have so much less than I do. I remind myself to be thankful that I can afford food everyday, health care whenever I need it, and that I have a wonderful apartment to go home to every single night. I hope that I will never get on the bandwagon of "I need more money so I can have better things than everyone else". Truly all that I ever want and need are the three things I've already mentioned...and just 1 more.

This year, I was thankful for a new addition in my life. I think you know who it is. He's kind of hard to miss at 6'4". I've written a lot about how stressful trying to relocate is, but I think I make it hard on myself. I have this mentality that I have to do this by myself because I've always had to do things by myself. I don't have the luxury of a supportive family as most do. I know that I could call, but I also know the answer would be the same as always "oh thats too bad, best of luck." And then there is Drew. He actually wants to help me. Has offered more than once to help me out, to which I always reply no I can do this on my own. It's like a built in automatic response. Here is someone who is offering to help me out without me even asking, because he wants nothing more than for us to be together and is willing to do whatever he can to make it happen. And then there is me, being an idiot making my life harder because I don't want to feel like a failure or lesser person for not handling things on my own. Sometimes, I suck. And so, I am thankful for Drew. Not only for loving me unconditionally despite my stubborn tendencies but also for wanting to be there for me because he loves me. Now I'm crying. Fuck you Titanic theme.

Let's change tunes.

Here is my only Holiday shopping score.

Kind of excited. Adds about 3.5lbs of weight but it really doesn't feel that bad. It's sits higher up on your back so you barely notice it.

Hope everyone has a great week! It's so tough coming back from a holiday...



Monday, November 28, 2011

I'm Here, I Swears

Hey loves. I'm alive, for reals. Just supppppeeerr busy weekend and so much going on right now. Black Friday was good, not as crazy as I was prepared for and I drank FOUR Red Bulls in less than 24 hours. Also I ate about 25,000 calories. That shouldn't really be a surprise. I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend and has recovered from the food comas! Can't wait to catch up with everyone. 



Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Some Fail Mixed With Some Win

Okay, so obviously totally failed on Motivate Me Monday....AGAIN! Only this time worse because I didn't even post about my fail. EPIC FAIL. Unfortunately I was at work until 11:30 Sunday night and by the time I got home and in bed it was after midnight. Needless to say Monday I was anything but motivated. However, I did drink more water last week. Perhaps not 8 glasses a day but definitely an improvement from my usual. This week the challenge is to BE GOOD during Thanksgiving. It's so easy to over indulge during the holidays, but lets stay focused and help eachother out!

Okay onto some winning. Sooooo excited for this :) The fabulous Summer and her best blog pal Melina are hosting a blogger secret santa! I can't wait. If you would like to participate (And you know you do) click on the cute little owl button on the left and get started! Who knows, maybe I'll get your name and you will then be the proud owner of some awesome Des Moines things. Which I know you're all dying to have. So get a clickin' on that owl!

In other news, Friday is not just any Friday...it's Black Friday. I work Midnight to 7am, this is my 5th Black Friday and for some reason, I'm dreading it a little this year. Maybe because I closed last year and the insanity had died down by the time I got there. Better stock up on some Redbull!

How about you guys? Anyone braving the Black Friday madness? If so please be kind to the sales associates, we're truly doing the best we can.




Friday, November 18, 2011

Gettin' Down On Friday

Man am I glad it's Friday. A co-worker summed this week up quite nicely when talking about her MIA bagels:
"You know it's a week where you don't have your life together when you lose a bag of bagels." I think everyone can relate to that. 

I'm super pumped to head to Ames this weekend to have dinner with my old co-worker from my high school days who also happened to be my college roommate. Should be most excellent times. 

Some of you happened to notice that fame whore in the back of my vlog yesterday. He demanded I introduce him to the world properly. So, without further ado meet Bobo the cat.

How you doin?

This is a 100% accurate description of how Bobo sees himself.

I also have another sweet little kitten who Bobo tries to keep under the bed so he gets all the attention. Then he gets shot in the face with a water bottle. Meet Elvis.

She's a little shy.

But, she guards my mail and thats why I love her. Oh yeah, Elvis is a girl. I didn't know that when I named her. SHE'S A CAT. Like she even cares.

And to prove my point about Bobo being a fame whore this is the look he had after I took pictures of Elvis.

Yeah, stink eye to the max. Told you, fame whore. 

Well I hope this has brightened up your Friday. Bobo is off getting his Jagerbombs on with some fuckin' skanks sporting his new fucking haircut.  I'm just joshing ya. More than likely he will eat some food and sleep all day. Don't worry my cats are not alcoholics, no need to call animal control. 

Weekend Cheers!


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Accent Video Log

I saw some people do these and thought they were really fun. So I decided to do one for the greatest region on the country: The Midwest. Enjoy!

So feel free to share with my your discrepancies. Are you a pop or soda person? Or just coke? Also does any other state say singles for $1 bills? Maybe it's just an Illinois thing. Oh! And one I didn't mention: casserole or  hot dish? 

Midwest Cheers!


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Life Is Like A Pageant....

I know I may have mentioned this in passing from time to time, but for those of you who didn't catch on, Hi! I'm Marisa and I'm a former pageant girl. Don't believe me? Here's some proof

(that's me being crowned)

See? Told you. Anyways where am I going with this pageant talk?

So the other day, and pretty much every day of my life, I was bemoaning how I'm ancient in pageant years and can no longer compete. I won't lie, I love hearing my name called and someone putting a sparkly crown on my head. The thing that I miss most however, is the competition. My favorite part about pageants was the preparation, the work, the dedication to basically sell yourself to the judges that you are the best possible candidate for the job and they should pick you. I had an epiphany yesterday. Why not treat my search for a job in Minneapolis the same way? No, no one is going to give me a sparkly crown to wear (but if you do I will work for you for life), but essentially it's the same thing. I need to prepare, I need to be dedicated and above all, I need to sell myself as the best possible candidate. Life really is like a pageant. Rhinestones and glitter are bursting from my heart right now. 

How about you fellow readers....any other pageant girls out there???

Rhinestones and Glitter Cheers,


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

You Are The Sunshine Of My Life

Okay, you've asked so I'll tell. I had an amazing time in Minneapolis this weekend. AND I navigated all by myself, the city, 394 and 494 and only once had to bust out "Sorry...I'm from Iowa." Feeling pretty proud of myself. After meeting Drew and his co-worker for lunch we didn't know what to do with our afternoon since we had no plans for the day or evening and it was only 2pm. So we did what anyone would do. Drink beer and go bowling.

(the popcorn was butter herb and parmeasan. Sooo good)

(Drew concentrating real hard)

We had fun and weren't conserned about scores ( I WON) and had a good afternoon.

After bowling we hit up the booze store grocery store for ingredients for inside out lasagna.

(Wine was totally a key ingredient. No really)

This was such an easy recipe and it turned out soooooo awesome. I am craving it right now.

Might have to make that again this week.

Saturday was a bussssyyy day. Started off with touring Drew's work with his grandparents, who were so sweet. Followed by dinner at our favorite Indian restaurant where they have a lunch buffet, and lets just say I'm glad I was wearing leggings. Finally after that we hit up the Walker Art Center.

(Claes Oldenburg!)

(sculpture garden at Walker Art Center)

(Drew growing impatient with my picture taking)

That night we met up with one of Drew's friends for sushi in St. Paul which was amaazzing (again so glad I was wearing leggings!) and I got to see this

Why yes that is the Church of Scientology in St. Paul. Apparently it used to be the children's museum. It is huge. Those scientologists are loaded.

Sunday was brunch with the fam, and it was awesome. His parents are so nice and his mom deserves Mom of the Century or Sainthood or something. Drew is the oldest of 4 boys (thats right FOUR) and his youngest brother is autistic. Yet his mom is the most upbeat, kindhearted person I've ever met. I don't know how she does it. He has some amazing parents. Also she made eggs with Mornigstar Farms "sausage" in it for me. That made me smile :)

So there you have it. My Minneapolis weekend and meeting the fam. Such a great weekend and relocating is becoming less stressful. Now if only someone would give me a job....(hint hint)



Title Lyrics: Stevie Wonder "You Are The Sunshine Of My Life"

Monday, November 14, 2011

Motivate Me Monday

Okay so I totally failed this week. This weeks challenge was to try a new class at the gym or new workout video at home. On Friday before I left for Minneapolis, I ran into a friend at the gym who suggested I come to spin class Monday morning. I thought, perfect! I've never done a spin class before and it would be perfect for MMM. Then I had a little problem on the way home from Minnesota and did not get home until late and knew there was no way I'd be dragging myself out of bed for spin class. (I got to Medford and realized that my work laptop was sitting on Drew's kitchen table.) So next week will be a double MMM as I fully intend on still attending the spin class next week and taking on the new weeks challenge. (Successfully this time)

As a cop out, let me offer you this.

Friday I drove straight to Drew's work to meet with one of his co-workers who has ran the Pikes Peak Marathon.  Yes it is exactly what it sounds like. A marathon up and down Pikes Peak in Colorado, one of the Colorado 14ers. ( A mountain 14,000ft or over) I want to do the Pikes Peak Ascent in 2012, which is just a half marathon to the top of Pike's Peak and then someone drives you down. It was inspiring to talk to him about it, as I was terrified I would die on the mountain due to the altitude and not being acclimated. However he told me I"d be fine as long as I train well, the altitude should not be a problem. So excited to start training in January for it. It's going to be a crazy adventure but such a great accomplishment when I'm done. I can't wait :)

(yes I hope to run to the top of this.)

(Aaaanndd I hope it doesn't look like this )

This weeks challenge is to drink 8 glasses of water a day. I am really going to need motivation for this one. I'm so bad at drinking water. Thanks to Ashley, Amanda and Whitney, they're so kind and patient because I'm pretty sure I did the link up wrong....again. I swear girls next week I will get it right!

Motivation Cheers!



Friday, November 11, 2011

(Future) Homeward Bound!

I'm heading to Minneapolis today to spend a wonderful weekend with my boy and (gasp!) meet the fam. Keep your fingers crossed for me ;)

We have some really fun things planned, but what I'm really excited for is a trip to the Walker Art Center . Our friends generously gave us tickets they were not able to use the last time they were up there.


Where this Claes Oldenburg lives

Catch up with you all after the weekend! Hopefully I have some good adventures to post!

And thank you all for your sweet comments, and thank you new commenters and followers. I don't know what I'd do without you guys :)



Thursday, November 10, 2011

Perception vs. Reality

For you long time readers, you know this is something I struggle with constantly. Usually because I panic about everything (and I mean everything) blowing it out of proportion. I put such enormous pressure on myself that my concept of reality gets skewed and I end up in a state of anxiety for a week, walking on eggshells. So it shouldn't be surprising that this skewed perception transfers to other aspects of my life. Like oh say, weight and body image. As I've said before I've been blessed with athleticism and good genetics and have never been overweight a day in my life, nor have I ever had terrible eating habits. Well, terrible as in all I ate was junk food.  I definitely have had terrible eating (or lack thereof) habits in the past.

(welcome to my college life)

 So how does this happen? I wish I knew. But I can honestly tell you, when I look in the mirror at home what I see, does not match reality. How do I know this? When I look in the mirror at home, I see someone who is out of shape, flabby and needs to lose probably 20lbs. It's such a strange feeling because I know that what I'm seeing isn't right but it's still there. Like a hallucination. It's frustrating to someone who takes pride in being rational and logical, that no matter how much I tell myself I am in shape and don't need to (can't even afford to!) lose 20lbs I just don't see it.  However, every once and a while, I will be out somewhere: the mall, on a run, out at the bars, and I will catch a glimpse of my reflection and think...omg I'm skinny! At that moment what I'm seeing IS reality. I see the girl who ran a 20K this summer, goes to the gym 4-5 days a week and eats a balanced diet (daily!).  I see myself and that is what I hold onto and remember everyday. I don't spend time in front of mirrors, I don't own a scale and I don't allow myself to compare myself to others. It's a slippery slope for me.

My friend and co-worker has worked so hard to get healthy and in shape and lost over 30lbs since January. She shared her weight with me a couple weeks ago and it was the same as mine. She is 3 inches taller than me. My brains immediate response was: You need to lose 10lbs. Because I'm shorter I should weigh less. I mentally slapped myself in the face after that.


 I'm far better off than I was in high school and college. I live a happy and healthy life now. But to say that it's not a daily struggle would be a lie. It is not a big struggle now, but it's always there in the back of my mind and sometimes just the right thing can trigger those thoughts. Luckily I'm surrounded by people that love me for exactly who I am, and most importantly I love exactly who I am.

Body dismorphic disorder and EDNOS (eating disorder not otherwise specified) do not get discussed or publicized as much as anorexia and bulimia, but they are very real and just as harmful. If you have ever felt like this, please talk to someone and seek help. And if you know someone like this, talk to them and help them.

Happy and Healthy Cheers


*this is the 3rd rendition that I've done of this post. I've never had the guts to post until now. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event

You guessed it....IT SNOWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes Des Moines received it's first snowfall last night, and everything looked soooo pretty. Now the sun is out and it's warm and it's a big ole sloppy mess. Booooo. Still, this morning I threw on all my favorite winter gear to head out and enjoy the snow while it lasted.

(Hat: H&M Scarf: Burberry Sweater: Express)

(Pleated skirt pea coat: JCPenney Boots: Target)
I wanted to take some pretty pictures but by the time I left for work it had already started turning slushy :(

Oh well, I don't think anyone was ready for snow anyways.

Thanks so much for your kind comments on my last post. I know everything will be alright, but I'm the Queen of Worryland. I just need to take a deep breath and focus on ONE thing at a time.

First Snow Cheers!


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Lucid Dreaming

I'm a lucid dreamer. Are you? It's kind of an awesome thing really, it prevents nightmares from scaring the bejeezus out of me and also allows me to dictate my dreams ending. Which usually involves me being a bad ass and going all John McClane on someone. Anyways, while I allow myself to indulge my inner Die Hard fantasies, I always try to focus on what happened before I realized I was dreaming. I'm a firm believer that dreams are a manifestation of certain things going on in our lives that may be be bothering us that we aren't aware of or don't realize how much they are bothering us. Take Sunday night for an example:

So in my dream, I'm in some college town that I assume is supposed to be Ames, but it doesn't look a thing like Ames. Besides the point. I'm going to some house party to meet Drew and when I get there these two girls start talking to me and I have no idea who they are but they tell me I should ask Drew how his weekend was and I'm like alright you dumb whores I will. So I find him, and am all sooooo how was your weekend? (pretty sure it was the weekend in my dream...whatever I'm not a genius) and he's all oh it was fine. And the dumb whores behind me chime in something to the fact that he had hooked up with someone else. So dream self is all wtf is that true? To which he replies, well yeah, you live in Des Moines. It's at this point that I realize that I'm dreaming because dream self gets upset and storms outside and is making sobbing sounds but I. Can't. Cry. And in my dream I am all WHY AREN"T YOU CRYING? THIS IS THE SADDEST THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED TO YOU!!!!!!!!!! Thats when I knew that I couldn't cry, because this isn't real because this would never happen. The boy who sends me good morning texts from his hunting tree perch to wish me a wonderful day and sends me emails that have strategically placed thought out emoticons wouldn't do that. So instead of going all John McClane in college dream land, I just woke up. 

I made myself wake up because I knew exactly why this dream happened. I've been stressing out about relocating to Minneapolis lately. I'm terrified that it could take me forever to find a job. And while I know I'm not technically from Iowa (and by technically I mean I'm not at all) this is still my home. And this is where my family is at. Okay not my biological family but the family I'm closest to. I truly do want, more than anything, to move and finally live in the same city, but my anxiety/ocd does not allow me to just skedaddle on out of Des Moines. There are so many things I want to make sure are thought out first, but sometimes it's just too overwhelming. 

Anyone ever had to relocate? Any advice? Suggestions? Good therapists in Des Moines/Minneapolis...???



Monday, November 7, 2011

Motivate Me Monday

Hello! Welcome new followers and thank you to new commentors! I appreciate you stopping by. Today is the start of something new and I'm very excited to be a part of it: Motivate Me Monday. It is a link up hosted by Ashley , Amanda , and Whitney to help keep us motivated, support each other and trade tips, tricks, recipes and the like. This weeks question for the link up was what area or muscle of your body is your favorite to work out, why, and what work outs do you do? Without a doubt my favorite area to work out is my upper body. I love it all, weight machines, free weights, "dance arms" exercises. I was always teased because of my tiny arms growing up and now I love working them out, building muscle and seeing that beautiful definition. Take that every one who made fun of my puny arms! If I had to pick a favorite muscle in my arms that I love working it would definitely be the deltoids. I love my shoulders so much, they've never looked better! I love doing lateral raises in front of the mirrors (whatev don't judge me, I enjoy looking at my muscles!) so I can make sure that I'm doing it correctly and avoid injury. Physical therapy for a bum knee and a stress fracture are quite enough for one year. So what about you guys? What do you love working out the most? Or better yet, what do you hate working out? (Abs for me!)  Post any questions you may have on fitness/working out etc... and I will gladly answer them. And of course, join the link up and get motivated!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

I Swear I'll Never Give In, I Refuse

Holy hell. This week is never ending. And what's worse? I am in a rut. A workout rut. I worked out today for the first time since Saturday and it was a pretty pathetic attempt. Half assed at best. I don't know what my problem is, but I just cannot get back in the swing of things coming back from this past weekend. Normally it takes me a day or two to get caught up on laundry, cleaning ect...but come Tuesday this week I still wasn't ready to face the gym. I have a bunch of things going on in my head that are driving me mad, and usually working out helps with that. However now, my immediate response to stress is to sit on the couch and knit. Which I mean it could be worse, it could be to sit on the couch and stuff my face. Still, I have worked too hard to just say oh well it's winter, and the days are shorter and it's cold out. More importantly it is just not me. I go to the gym, I run. It's who I am. So tomorrow morning, we're hitting the gym...hard. I don't care how many excuses my brain comes up with to go back to bed, my ass will be at that gym at 5am. I don't care if I cry about it the entire way there. Because I refuse to walk out my door staring at this and feeling guilty anymore.

I refuse to give into my excuses again. 

Anyways! On a happier prettier note, Jessica over at The Embellished Life is having a fabulous giveaway! One lucky reader will get a product line from Paul Labrecque ! Go scope out her blog and enter to win, your hair will thank you ;)



title lyrics: Foo Fighters-Best of You

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Lost Feather

No this is not an APB for a feather that I have misplaced. It's a post about Sarah at A Lost Feather!!! She is basically my first blogger/internet friend and is an artist hailing from New York. She runs a brilliant Etsy shop (here) where she sells her artwork and also jewelry! She is nice, funny, talented and most importantly she is the proud owner of this little love muffin:

(meet Boo)

I know what you're thinking, how could someone who owns such an adorable furry friend NOT be awesome at life? So, I'm here today to share with you some of my favorite things from her shop and to encourage you to check out her shop and her dog blog .

I love the simplicity of these wood plaques painted by Sarah. 

This might be my favorite though. Constellations over *insert your city here* How awesome is that?

She also does jewelry too, and I loooovveee her bracelets.

So there you have it folks. My super awesome amazing artist friend Sarah. Go check out her shop AND if you love it as much as I do (and her!) write your own post like mine and receive a free print and a 10% off coupon to her shop! You have no excuse not to check it out because I linked her blog and shop 29298359874592359852 times in this post. Yeah, that many. 

Blog Friend Cheers!



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