Monday, December 14, 2009

Badass of the week

I kinda maybe sorta forgot to do this last it's just a few days late. Anyway, there is something that I have been obsessed with for quite sometime. Everytime I head into work at BBW I walk past them and die.
(Santa my B-day is Christmas Day....what do you say????)

I want these shoes soooooooooooo bad. So bad. The lovely workers at Aldo are going to get a restraining order against me since I've become the creeper staring in the window. But seriously how badass are these? New Years? Done and done. If I owned these I would wear them to work, to the store, to lunch with a fox in a box, whatevs ol' Dr. Suess could throw at me. DO WANT!!!!! You here that Santa. I ain't messing around. Since my b-day happens to be on your special day I think that means you owe me. Or something.

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