Friday, December 11, 2009

Feeling Uninspired to the Maxxxxxx.....

While I love me some snow, the repercussions not so much. Like having to wake up earlier to clean your car off and let it warm up, and also having to tack on at least an extra 15 minutes for your commute. These additions to my morning routine make for a very lazy, bad haired, unfashionable chica. And that just makes me plain old grumpy. I'm hoping to get in some retail therapy this weekend. Maybe with some new duds I can get that spark back and stop looking so hobo like. I can only hope. Oh and remember when I posted about possibly getting my hair cut????? Never happened. Let's add that to the list of things to do to get Marisa out of her funk. Seriously, I'm going to start implementing the Mean Girls rules. My numero uno rule would have to be : You can only wear your hair in a ponytail once a week. Maybe getting my hair cut would help with that one. Bahhhhh......Winter I always look so forward to you and then you bring out my inner hobo. Why??????

What I would most like to find this weekend to cheer me up?????
(image via

Someday I'll have a sweet blazer....probably when they aren't cool anymore. Le sigh. I'm sure you're bored to tears reading my poor poor me sob story. So I'll leave it at that. I promise to be back to normal after the weekend. Promise.

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