Monday, September 26, 2011

30 Day Challenge

Here is a topic that I rarely ever talk about or discuss: diet and exercise. I'm not a subscriber to any sort of plan or method, and not because I don't believe that they work. (Although if I'm going to be completely honest I do think some of it is brainwashing) Luckily, I've been blessed with two things that have aided in not ever having to go on a diet : good genetics and athleticism. I've been an athlete since I was 6. I played softball until I was 12 then switched to soccer, started basketball, volleyball, dropped volleyball and basketball and took up tennis and kept soccer in HS and in college kept playing tennis and took up running. I also grew up with a health nut of a mom and did not experience Taco Bell until junior high. So while I have never been on Atkins or South Beach or Weight Watchers, I understand that some people need the structure, guidance and knowledge of others to help them get in shape and learn better nutrition. So where am I going with all this?

As you all know I've been traveling a lot, and with traveling comes more meals out and less exercise. I do my best to keep it healthy when I'm on the road but sometimes you just don't have a whole lot of options. So after many weekends on the go I've been feeling a little out of sorts and out of shape with my traveling diet and lack of exercise. Enter my very own 30 Day Challenge. I came up with a workout schedule for 30 days that includes a combination of running, strength training, cross training and rest days. So far I'm right on track and it hasn't been too terrible, although at the start of my 4 mile run yesterday I thought I was doomed. In true runners fashion though the endorphins kicked in eventually and my runners high carried me through. Also I'm hoping this challenge will get me to the gym more often. Since, you know, I pay for a membership and all but rarely ever go there.

So join me in a 30 Day Challenge and really test yourself. I promise you can do it, and it doesn't even have to involve running if you're not a runner! Substitute it for cycling, dance, power walking whatever suits you as long as you're moving. I've decided to start doing twitter updates to hold myself accountable so I'm less likely to fall off the wagon.

Parting questions: Have any of you tried and program or method before? What ones worked and what ones didn't? Also does anyone have any tips for eating healthy while traveling? I'll take them :)




  1. i totally can't do diets, exercise and the natural high i get from it (running) is enough for me - that and i'm competitive with myself so i push myself more and more each it. i have no discipline for diets though, haha!

  2. When I travel I usually eat at airports or train stations. Because that's where they have sandwich bars and stuff like that. On location it's just a matter of picking a restaurant or café and checking the menu.

    I've never been in any program of the sort.

  3. yawn. i don't have great genes and i am TERRIBLY NOT athletic. and lazy. and i love food. lololol. i need to try a BIT harder in the work out area. sigh. i am good at finding excuses to avoid exercising, even though it really makes me feel great (and look a bit better) when i take the time to do it. so, i am not fully committing to this challenger PER SE (as i LOATHE being told what to do), but i will be trying harder. starting tonight! :)

  4. I'm doing the 30 Day Shred right now. I am through day 3... and I want to kill Jillian Michaels. But, I trust her! I can feel it working and that is what matters, right?
    Do you work out at a gym in town? I think we talked about this one, but I can't seem to remember...?

  5. I'm actually about to head out for a 4 mile run right now!

  6. Ugh, exercise. I hate hate hate exercise - though I'll admit, a couple of years ago, when I could afford a personal trainer, I felt fantastic. I thought boxing was the best thing ever in the whole world. Sometimes I feel envious of runners and the way they talk about the high, but I'm just far too lazy and unmotivated to find out what it's like for myself.

  7. this is awesome! i may just have to join you. i'm totally in an excercising lull and have never gotten that runner's high that you speak of, but certainly need a kick to get back into it.

  8. wow. I'd just be loving those rest days :)
    Good luck with your challenge. This makes me feel motivated to start working out a little bit--- but then again, when it comes right down to it I know it's not happening :)

  9. I wish I could do all that. I'm not a runner at all. I need to do that couch to 5k

  10. i just started a workout plan on thursday :) although it's not very detailed.. it's just "workout until you can't."

    i didn't have taco bell until college! but i still am looking to drop 5 lbs right now hehe

    when i used to travel for work i would try to do a little grocery shopping instead of restaurants.. i'd buy fresh vegetables and pre made salads and other things that didn't require cooking. it wasn't too hard because i usually traveled alone and i hate eating at restaurants alone. i once at chipotle in my car outside a barnes and nobles though.. good times.

  11. Love running! I'm not a fan of diets or programs either though. Good luck with your schedule - you'll be great! xx

  12. I was just thinking I need to cancel my Ymca membership, lol! I haven't went in forever!

    I am sure you will kick ass in your 30 day challenge :)


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