Tuesday, February 16, 2010

No Day But Today

Sorry I've been listening to the Rent Soundtrack....again. Anywho, it's Day 4 since the breakup and things are still going okay. Except D is sick. Bummer. So far this living as roommates deal is working out. It's still a little awkward and I hope I'm not making things even more awkward by doing his laundry still. Really though, it's not about still doing gf like things, its about I run a tight ship and I don't like to see laundry lying about thing. Just to clear that up. I think it's just kinda awkward because for the last 4.5 years we've done almost everything together, and now that we're not it's almost like I don't know how to function. I don't have any family in this state so I can't really spend time with them right now. Ah well, I'm sure we'll get passed it. It's not like it's unexpected or anything, I didn't expect this to be a piece of cake. However I feel that the friendship we've created over these past few years will see us through.

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