Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Birthmas Aftermath

Remember that time I said after Birthmas I would do a sweet recap and catch up with you all? Well about that. See I drove back from Minnesota Monday late morning, got home did all my laundry, unpacked and all that good stuff. Then had to go to work...until after midnight. THEN today I had to get up go to work and then after work go to my OTHER work until 11pm. Needless to say, I'm exhausted and feeling ill. Tomorrow though I'm planning a much needed rest day and will then finally be doing a recap and catching up with everyone. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend!




  1. Yikes - those are some long days!! I hope you get some downtime soon. I can't wait to hear more about your Birthmas!!

  2. Goodness Girl- We'll still be here AFTER you rest. Take time and RELAX

  3. definitely take some time to relax, but can't wait to hear how your birthmas was!

  4. Happy Happy Belated Birthday Marisa :)
    Oooo, I mean Birthmas, lol!
    It sounds like you have had a crazy busy month!
    I can't wait to hear more about it!
    ps, yes where is our snow, wth?
    lots of love
    gi gi

  5. Oh my goodness happy belated birthmas!!! Hope it was the best one ever!!!

  6. glad we got a recap and that all is well! happy nye


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