Thursday, March 31, 2011

Think Spring

A lot of you ladies out there have been posting about what you're coveting for spring so since I have no awesome stories for you, I'll share my spring wish list with you. Starting with shoes, of course. Believe it or not but right now I am in loooooveee with flats. That's right flats. I know I can hardly believe it myself. They just look so fun and carefree that I want to get a new shoe rack and devote it just to flats. Here's a few that I'm obsessing over.

(Mia Espadrille flat)

I can picture these with many a spring/summer dress for running around town, casual lunch dates drinking beers on patios with friends...the list goes on!

I love Lacoste. One of my favorite brands. I love the preppiness and the colorfulness of it. I also happen to be a huge fan of deck shoes. These would be my meet the girls at the country club (that we don't actually belong to) for lunch and cocktails by the pool. In my adorable pink polo with pearls. Yeah...I can see it now. 

I think I'm late to the party on the flat oxfords but I reaaalllly want a pair. Again I see these with cute skirts and dresses or paired with skinny jeans when I feel like busting out my inner hipster style. And last but certainly not least......

I want these because 1.) I love Converse. Usually high tops but I'm digging these low tops. 2.) I love glitter.

There you have it. Anyone have any of these shoes? Love? Hate? What else do you pair them with? I admit I"m lacking in the creativity department this spring so I welcome all input!

Have a happy Friday everyone!



1 comment:

  1. perfect cute little shoes for spring!

    it is already roasting here -- 80+ today -- and the sandals are out today. and the flats are just so easy and comfortable, which i love!


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