Thursday, February 24, 2011

Arm The Animals

The lovely drollgirl posted this today and of course being an animal lover I immediately jumped all over it.

(photo via ata)

As a proud pet parent I try to support any animal organization I can, from having ASPCA checks to adopting as many animals as I can handle. Arm The Animals is partnered with Good Dog Animal Rescue, which holds a special place in my heart as this wonderful little bundle of joy was adopted from them

That's right my little baby Dexty-poo was once in the care of Good Dog Animal Rescue . They are an amazing organization truly dedicated to saving animals and finding them good homes. So if you are an animal lover of just love bad ass animal shirts, please go to the Arm The Animals website and pick one up. Dexty thanks you from the bottom of his adorable little heart :)

Save the Animal Cheers,



  1. oh, so glad you got one of these! i have such a spot for the animals, and it is nice to know that so many try and help them out! YAY!

    and thanks so much for linking to me! :)

  2. i'm such a sucker for animal rescue groups and non-profit orgs. my next pup will be from a rescue. that's a promise.


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